Tuesday 25 March 2008

The "Green" Movement pt. 1

In recent times, we have witnessed the rise and rise of the "green" movement. Doomsayers predicting the end of the world, global warming, greenhouse gasses, "chelsea tractors". Correlatively, we have also witnessed the rise of obscure taxes, which make little sense.

"Green" taxes - people are charged for not recycling, for driving non environmentally-friendly cars, petrol, and the like.

But the question must be asked - what the hell is being done with that money? Tens and tens of billions of pounds, is it going towards research on how to save the planet? I won't be betting my house on that...

Those billions are going into regular expenditure, and people will become used to it.

But this is sick. Preying on the insecurities of people to raise tax? People only pay it because they think they're at least helping the environment by handing over their hard earned money, when actually, it's just not. But when something weird happens, like daffodils at christmas, no rainfall one year, it'll be too late to do research then.

I pay my green taxes in the vain hope that my kids will have a blue sky to looks at, air to breathe, water to drink. But it would seem people are being conned.

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